When conducting any of our courses or representing Encompass Safety in any forum, our trainers and assessors are expected to follow the principles of fairness, equity, honesty and anti-discrimination.
Our certified instructors undergo a regular re-certification process and must comply with course training and assessment standards and the Encompass Safety Code of Conduct, as follows:
Respect for the law and the system of government: Encompass Safety personnel uphold Commonwealth and State laws and act in the public interest.
Respect for persons: Encompass Safety personnel show respect for members of the public, clients and other employees.
Integrity: Encompass Safety personnel at all times act in an honest, trustworthy and lawful manner.
Diligence: Encompass Safety personnel strive to achieve high standards of performance, professionalism and responsiveness to clients.
Economy and Efficiency: Encompass Safety personnel protect assets, equipment and other resources, maintain them correctly, and use them economically and for approved purposes only.
Access and Equity: Encompass Safety strives to maintain its commitment to equal employment opportunity, anti-discrimination, and harassment legislation.
It is very important to Encompass Safety that participants feel that our courses are delivered and assessed in an equal and unbiased manner.
Please notify us of the following:
Any language barriers that may exist
Any learning, reading, literacy or numeracy difficulties
Please approach the friendly Encompass Safety personnel before your course so we can best address your needs.
Our instructors are willing to assist you in any way possible to ensure you have an equal chance to participate, learn and achieve.
Your privacy will be respected at all times.
All Trainees must be of 14 years of age to complete one of our courses.
There are State laws prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of, or by association with, the following: Sex, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, breastfeeding, age, impairment, race, religion, political belief, trade union activity and lawful sexual activity.
These laws have been developed to protect the interest of persons who may fall into the listed categories.
Encompass Safety always strives to ensure that we are not discriminating against any person, and that no one is excluded or alienated from our courses.
Our personnel will conduct themselves in a manner unlikely to offend any member of the community.
We respect and maintain the participant’s right to security and confidentiality in terms of their performance, outcomes and assessments at all times.
We will not provide information about you to a third party without your written permission.
You will be required to sign a consent form for those occasions when it may be necessary for Encompass Safety to provide information about you to another organisation (e.g. Department of Education, Training and the Arts).
If you are unsatisfied with any about any aspect of your course, Encompass Safety personnel will endeavour to rectify the problem.
Please approach your trainer and we would be delighted to assist.
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Encompass Safety’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here:
Terms & Conditions
Encompass Safety’s Terms and Conditions can be viewed here: